Other Links
Translation Help/Ayuda con Traducción:
Educational Videos/Videos Educativos:
1) Treadwell Middle School Youtube Videos
2) khanacademy.org
3) Shelby County Video Lessons
4) BBC's English Learning Youtube Channel
5) English Class 101 Youtube Channel
6) Learn English on TV Youtube Channel
7) Use the Discovery Ed app on Clever to watch TONS of videos about nature, science, coronavirus, the news, etc.
Educational Websites/Sitios Educativos:
1) Rosie Ready (create a free account/crea una cuenta grátis)
3) wilbooks.com
4) Newcomer packets here
5) Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief graphic novel
6) Free reading and writing practice worksheets here (with answers!)
7) Reading A-Z (Teacher Username = amusser0)
1) LOTS of educational games here (math, vocabulary, spelling, geography, typing, etc.)
2) freerice.com (Vocabulary Game)
3) funbrain.com